letter to my son on the occasion of Ahoi Ashtami
Dear Ansh,
Years ago, my darling, when I was pregnant and you
were on the way, I started a new thing, and that was fasting on the auspicious
festival of Ahoi Ashtami. Though I was advised to eat and drink something
through the day, I decided to keep a ‘nirjal vrat’ for you my love. Not that it
was healthy or advisable but I felt a strong urge to do something which I had
never done for anyone ever. (Karwa-Chauth was different since I’d seen your dad
and you were not yet born) My heart was flooding with love for the invisible
life within me.
Just like any new mum-to-be, my heart was fluttering
with joy at fasting for the well-being of the little life that lay kicking
inside me. I decided that very day, to love you and protect you from all that
is harmful. Just like a tigress fiercely protects her young one, I was all
determined to be your protector and guide.
Once again, this festival is here, and it is for the 15th
time that I’ll be fasting for you. Over the years I’ve seen you blossom from a
little cherub to a young adult. It’s great to see you grow but given a choice,
I would love to time travel with you to the past and celebrate your childish
innocence once again! Not sure whether you would want to do that though.
Anyways, just as this day is approaching, a lot of thoughts are flooding my
mind. Since talking to you these days is proving to be a little difficult, I
thought, I might as well pen down my thoughts.
I know that life’s not really shaping the way we all
would have wanted it to. You have different expectations from life, and we are
still a little old school but still at the end of the day, like any doting
parents, we just wish well for you.
So here are some pointers I’d like to share with you. Do
take out some of your precious time to read them.
1. Set
your priorities right – I know this is quite a debatable one given that you
have a different set of priorities but I still thought I should let you know,
that you need to think over it again.
2. Limit
your time on your gadgets – Say whatever you want to, but you really need to
cut down time on those gadgets.
3. Spend
some quality time with us – I know what you’re going to say. You’ll say that we
don’t have that time for you but my dear, quality time can be anywhere,
anytime. While having food, while driving, while hitting bed…..just about any time.
4. Make
more friends – As much as we would like to have you all for ourselves yet we
can’t be the only people in your life forever. You’d need a set of friends on
whom you can depend, those with whom you can share your secrets, those with
whom you can experience something new…maybe whacky!
5. Laugh
more often – This house and our lives get brightened up with your laughter, so
laugh my child, we love to have our home reverberate with your candid laughter.
6. Have
fun in life- Though this might appear a contradictory statement in light of the
priority thing I wrote above yet that and this are two completely different
things. Enjoy life as this time will never come again. Live every moment of it.
7. Be
true to yourself – Now this one is very important. Even though you are my baby
and you’re mine in flesh and blood yet no one understands a person as much as
he himself does. So, son, stay true to yourself at all times because when you
think you are deceiving someone, it is actually no one but you yourself, whom
you are deceiving.
8. Love
yourself – This one definitely is the most important cause if you do not love
yourself you will never be able to love anyone. Accept yourself with your
goodness and vices. Brace your evil with love and you will be able to transform
it magically to goodness. You my love, have the power to shape your life into
anything you want to and if you’ll truly love yourself then you will be proud
of your architecture one day.
Looks like this is it for now. I’m sure you’ll call
this nagging but believe me, it’s not. It’s just my love poured out into the
form of a letter.
I may not be the best mother but I’m trying my best.
I love you sweetheart. God bless you.
Lots of love,
Your doting maa