Everyday when I open the morning newspaper, I look forward to reading some positive news....of our country creating a stir in the world, of some differently abled child performing wonders, some news item about the old world charm, or just anything which would please the eyes. What I get to read, is in stark contrast of what I expect. The newspaper is flooded with news of the most horrendous word in the dictionary of a woman, RAPE!

Rapes have been happening in India for a long time. One could start thinking that with increased awareness and education, we would start experiencing a decline in the rates of rapes. Alarmingly, nothing like that is happening. Seems, we're just going from bad to worse.
Years ago, in 1996, the rape and murder of a twenty-five year old, Law student,Priyadarshini Mattoo created a nationwide uproar. The rapist, Santosh Singh, was besotted with her and when she did not respond to his indecent proposals, he went to her house and butchered her. Later in the year 2012, the case of Nirbhaya caused a media frenzy with protestors taking to the street to demonstrate against the heinous act, demanding the harshest of punishment for the cruel perpetrators. It was a gang rape in the ugliest form ever.
Earlier this year, all the newspapers and social media were splattered with the face of an innocent little, eight year old child who's innocence had been brutally stamped all over by some men who claimed to be serving God! Shockingly some sickos, termed this as a political matter of the minorities trying to gain attention. Then came the news of seven-ten year olds being continuously raped by the owner of the same shelter home, that they were staying in. In both the above cases, irony was at its best or shall I say, worst form. The servants of God must in no way be pleasing God, by indulging in such an act. On the other hand, the same person who provided the so called 'shelter' to the little girls was playing with their life in a place they called 'home'!

As if this wasn't enough, I woke up to another shocking news which I'm sure must have sent everyone into a tizzy. A pregnant goat was gang-raped!!! The world is definitely heading towards doomsday!
Just when my son remarked how bad it was that women were being raped everyday in some or the other corner of India, he flipped through the newspaper and stared at me in horror!!! Glaring at him was the news of a grade 11 boy, being raped by six grade 12 hostelers!
What plays in the minds of rapists?
This question has been haunting me ever since I heard the word 'RAPE' as a child. I think this is the worst nightmare for every girl/woman. Why only women actually! The boys aren't safe either.
When people rape, doesn't there conscience prick them for even a second? When you look at little girls and boys, all you can think of is their cuteness and your heart just overflows with tender love for them. Then what makes these monsters lust for these little ones? What arouses the beast in them? What ceases to work in their mind that they get so blinded and don't see reason? Forcing yourself upon someone and feeling all powerful! Isn't that gross!
Thankfully, growing up in the hills, we were far safer than girls all over the country. We only started feeling a little unsafe when during the late nineties,Nainital started experiencing an influx of so called 'tourists' who probably just came over looking for some cheap thrills during the summer season.
Now I'm a middle aged woman but this fear continues to grip me. Every lonely stretch of road, every dark alley, every uncomfortable stare, all are enough to send shivers down my spine. I feel for the scores of victims, who've been scarred for life. So many are brave and come back to life, stronger than ever before while there are many who have been forever lost into the darkness.

Rapes have been happening in India for a long time. One could start thinking that with increased awareness and education, we would start experiencing a decline in the rates of rapes. Alarmingly, nothing like that is happening. Seems, we're just going from bad to worse.
Years ago, in 1996, the rape and murder of a twenty-five year old, Law student,Priyadarshini Mattoo created a nationwide uproar. The rapist, Santosh Singh, was besotted with her and when she did not respond to his indecent proposals, he went to her house and butchered her. Later in the year 2012, the case of Nirbhaya caused a media frenzy with protestors taking to the street to demonstrate against the heinous act, demanding the harshest of punishment for the cruel perpetrators. It was a gang rape in the ugliest form ever.
Earlier this year, all the newspapers and social media were splattered with the face of an innocent little, eight year old child who's innocence had been brutally stamped all over by some men who claimed to be serving God! Shockingly some sickos, termed this as a political matter of the minorities trying to gain attention. Then came the news of seven-ten year olds being continuously raped by the owner of the same shelter home, that they were staying in. In both the above cases, irony was at its best or shall I say, worst form. The servants of God must in no way be pleasing God, by indulging in such an act. On the other hand, the same person who provided the so called 'shelter' to the little girls was playing with their life in a place they called 'home'!
As if this wasn't enough, I woke up to another shocking news which I'm sure must have sent everyone into a tizzy. A pregnant goat was gang-raped!!! The world is definitely heading towards doomsday!
Just when my son remarked how bad it was that women were being raped everyday in some or the other corner of India, he flipped through the newspaper and stared at me in horror!!! Glaring at him was the news of a grade 11 boy, being raped by six grade 12 hostelers!
What plays in the minds of rapists?
This question has been haunting me ever since I heard the word 'RAPE' as a child. I think this is the worst nightmare for every girl/woman. Why only women actually! The boys aren't safe either.
When people rape, doesn't there conscience prick them for even a second? When you look at little girls and boys, all you can think of is their cuteness and your heart just overflows with tender love for them. Then what makes these monsters lust for these little ones? What arouses the beast in them? What ceases to work in their mind that they get so blinded and don't see reason? Forcing yourself upon someone and feeling all powerful! Isn't that gross!
Thankfully, growing up in the hills, we were far safer than girls all over the country. We only started feeling a little unsafe when during the late nineties,Nainital started experiencing an influx of so called 'tourists' who probably just came over looking for some cheap thrills during the summer season.
Now I'm a middle aged woman but this fear continues to grip me. Every lonely stretch of road, every dark alley, every uncomfortable stare, all are enough to send shivers down my spine. I feel for the scores of victims, who've been scarred for life. So many are brave and come back to life, stronger than ever before while there are many who have been forever lost into the darkness.