My dear boy, you have now reached the age of legal majority in India so technically you’re now a man! Can you believe that? I mean how can I ever forget those moments when you twisted and rolled inside my tummy causing bulges to move and shift like sand dunes, then the moment when I first held you in my arms; you stretched with your tiny hands and yawned with that tiny mouth making you look so adorable. That journey of ours, which began together 21 years ago, is now mostly going to be a solo trip for you as you embrace legal adulthood.
It’s been three years since you graduated from school and embarked on a new journey which made you move far away from us. You remember the countless times during the school years when we threatened to send you away to hostel because you wouldn’t live life the way we wanted? You know as much as we do, that those were just shallow threats as we could’ve never sent you away at that tender age. We wanted you more than probably you wanted us. And now that you’ve been away for quite some time, I feel so blessed that we got to be together for a good eighteen years. If one could have all that one desires, then we would love to envelop you in our arms forever, but sending you far away was a conscious decision because a bird cannot fly unless let out of its cage. We wanted you to experience life on your own and that could never have happened, had we selfishly kept you around.
Turning 21 means you’re at the threshold of the peak of youth. This decade will bring about so many novel experiences that you might just get exhausted! Graduating from college, thinking about Post Grad, the struggles of placement, the entanglement of relationships, some heartbreaks, some back stabbings, some beautiful moments, some travel experiences, some friends getting married and some still wondering what to do in life…….you’ll be seeing it all through this decade.
This will be an overwhelming phase of life. From being the child who’s constantly fawned upon and asked about his requirements, you’ll be expected to do things for others as you’re youthful and strong now. Though your opinion has always been valued, now you might also be a crucial decision maker in many ways. As children turn older, parents start relying more and more on them and you, my dear, are our backbone. However, I hope you are not assuming that you won’t have to listen to us anymore.

We want you to soar high, not in terms of monetary success but in terms of sincere contentment of the heart. That feeling of accomplishment, once you’ve completed a task honestly and with full commitment to it, is unparalleled! Put your heart and soul into the things that matter, things that bring about positive changes in life.
Success in our human world is measured in terms of the money one is making but you, my boy, should never sacrifice your personal happiness and health and join that rat race which millions around the world are participating in. Of course, you have to live your life, and you know as well as anyone that making money is part and parcel of the deal but work only to fulfil the needs of yourself and your dependents and under no circumstances at the cost of your mental sanity. Keep that balance in place.
Start investing from the time you get your first salary even though it might just be a very tiny amount but the age old saying of ‘boond boond se hee sagar banta hai’ is absolutely true. Disciplined and consistent investments yield long-term results. You’ll be tempted to blow away all your money as that will be the first time you’ll have access to your own salary but being sensible is the key. Short term pains give long term gains.
Travel the world and gain experiences. You’ve had the privilege of traveling extensively since childhood and I’m sure you treasure those experiences so, instead of wasting your money on being sloshed every weekend (like most youngsters), plan exquisite trips across India and around the world. There is so much a person can learn from something as enjoyable as travelling.
Value the relationships you have with people around you. Be cynical but not overly assessing. Treasure those who have stayed with you through thick and thin.
If you’re lucky enough, some lovely girl will enter your life and brighten it. Appreciate her, respect her and love her with all your heart if she’s worth it but don’t let yourself be trodden upon like a doormat ever in any relationship. If you respect someone, you deserve it equally in return.
At times things will not turn out the way you wanted them to, and it might seem that nothing around you is favorable. At such times, do not succumb to the pressure. Remember not all things are under our control. Try all in your might to rectify a situation but once you’ve given your best and it still is unsolvable, slowly retract from the situation/person. Remember not to invest your time and energy in things that are irreparable. You’ve often heard Dad tell you about sunk cost fallacy. It is as applicable in other things as it is in investment.
Do not ever think that you know everything. There is much to learn from everyone around you. A seemingly insignificant person or moment might have an important life lesson to teach you. So never be assuming, arrogant and self-absorbed. Have an open mind, not superficially but actually. Learn to appreciate the qualities others have. Complimenting people comes naturally when you have a good heart. People feel happy when they are complimented and appreciated even for tiny things which you have noticed in them. So, make an effort to notice things and tell them things you like about them. Don’t be too liberal with showering compliments also though as it then diminishes their value but do not reserve them too. Use them appropriately, as and when you genuinely feel the need.
Finally, before wrapping up this letter, I’d like to reinforce that you mean the world to us. For others you are just another human being on this planet but for us, you are our universe. So, take care of yourself, enjoy life, stay healthy both mentally and physically. God bless you always.