Motherhood is a forever love story. Her love is a treasure that never gets over, it's like a natural resource that never depletes. A mother's love is constant, it does not rise and fall like the tides. She loves you when you're nobody to the world and she loves you when the whole world rejoices at your success. Ups and downs, joys and sorrows, failures and success........nothing in our life is an constant as the love of our mother.
Motherhood is the most beautiful thing that happens in a woman's life. The natural trait of a mother is unselfishness. Once a woman becomes a mother, she automatically gets attuned to prioritising that one person in her life before herself always, she is no more the centre of her own universe and relinquishes that position to her child. For a woman, motherhood is a great honour and privilege.
We all know this, right! So why am I telling you this, all over again???
Well, as a matter of fact, I'm sickened at the hardcore marketing of this beautiful emotion these days and that's what's compelled me to write down my thoughts.
All through the last week, the TV, internet, print media, the schools, everyone has been throwing 'Mother's Day' right into my face and I tell you, it's almost got me nauseating. I mean why! Why do we need one day to acknowledge our love and gratitude for our mothers? Aren't we thankful to our mothers throughout the year or for that matter till the moment we breathe our last? Every single moment we live, we love our mother and seriously, I don't need one day to tell her that I love her.
Philosophers here might argue that it's strange how I can be against 'Mother's Day'. Well I'm not but at the same time, I'm opposed to the idea of celebrating our mother's love only on one specific day. Just as her love for us never diminishes, so shouldn't our thankfulness get over after one day.
Not calling
your mother for days and days, ignoring her when she's right there in front of you cause you are busy and then suddenly one day, flashing pictures of yours with her over FB & Insta just because everyone is doing.....C'mon! You can do better than that.
How about trying to take out a few minutes everyday or in two or three days just to let her hear your voice? It's that simple. She doesn't need billboards declaring your love for her. Small little gestures now and then on a regular basis are big enough for her to get her day made.
So all you people out there, just one request.....I know you love your mother immensely but please let this emotion be expressed every single day. Do not fall into the trap of this 'one day' thing. She deserves much more than this.
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