"Mom....Dad, I've booked my tickets to come home on the 29th of this month." I chirpily told my parents over a video call. I could see the excitement evidently running through the entire conversation that ensued. After a long time I was going to my parents' house for a month long vacation. Sometimes I wouldn't be available during the summer break and sometimes they would be travelling, so it hadn't really worked out.As I hung up the phone, I started thinking of all the things I would do once I reach there. As a responsible and concerned daughter, my thoughts immediately wandered to the kitchen. I started thinking of how I would immediately relieve my mom of the kitchen duties and take over. Then plans of catching up with school friends, eating out at my favourite joints, going for scooty rides on my favourite road of the town, etc took over.
Every day my parents would tell me of the countdown that they had already started as soon as I had informed them. It was charming to see them so happy and enthused. However as the day of my departure started setting in, my heart started sinking. Locking the house and going away for an entire month! ( My husband had gone sailing)
Oh! What would happen when I'm not around? What if a major storm came? What if something required immediate attention which I would not be able to take care of while I am away? So many 'what if's' started floating in my mind.
Nervously albeit happily I left for my hometown on the designated day. As my son and me boarded the train, there was a big smile on my face. I was going home after all. From one home to another, the one I've known as home since childhood. Amidst the breakfast, tea, wafers and the hourly calls my dad would make, to enquire as to where the train had reached, we arrived at our destination. For the first time, dad was not at the station to welcome us with his open arms as he had just undergone angioplasty. Nevertheless we hailed a cab and reached home taking in the familiar sights and sounds as we drove.
The grand and responsible 'taking over kitchen duties' thoughts melted away as soon as I hugged my mom. I knew she would manage everything. ( evil me ;-)) There is nothing as welcoming as coming home to mom-cooked meals and nothing matches the live conversations, even when you have been video chatting frequently. So I was all settled in, comfy and relaxed. I think no matter how grown up we are, we tend to become babies as soon as we come to our parents' house. At least I do :-D
Then started sessions of catching up with friends and cousins, going to favourite food joints, exploring the new places that had popped up in town, watching movies with mom in the tiny neighbourhood multiplex, going for long un-targeted scooty rides, showing my son how we would ride the scooty on neutral on the sloped roads of the town, soaking in the beauty of the place, complaining about how hot it had started getting even here, only to be immediately blown away by a cool spell of rain showers.....jotting down everything is really not possible here. Days seemed to be flying!
And the the other countdown started. This time it was about me going back from this home to that one. Again, the nervousness and sadness started engulfing. The thoughts of going back to work and shouldering all the responsibilities at home weren't very welcoming.
But then again, this is what life is about. When we grow up, we fly out of our parents' nest and build our own. Our parents did this, then we did it and later our kids will do the same.
So, now it's time to once again fly out of my parents' nest and take charge of my own. The stay here has been wonderful. "I'll come back again soon my lovelies," I tell my parents, knowing well enough that it won't really be possible for another one year but signing off on a happy note makes me happy and hopeful.
Nothing matches the pleasure of coming to your parents' home.
Maika trip is simply the best :-)
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