Some childhood fantasies do come true and while we wait for the opportune moment all our lives, there comes a moment, during the most unexpected times, that we finally live our dream. That moment of fun for me was today, the 29th day of the official and 36th day of our self-imposed lock down.
While most men are oblivious to the fact of styling hair differently, my husband is renowned for his hair experiments. Those who know him well, will vouch for that.From long, to curly, to straight, to even going totally bald every time he's on ship, he's one helluva person, when it comes to experimenting with his hair.
Now coming back to the childhood fantasy I was talking about. As a 6th or 7th grader, I read a story, 'Maggie cuts her hair' from the novel, 'The Mill on the Floss'. In that story, a girl named Maggie chops her hair as an act of anger and defiance. As I read the story, I was marveled by the fact that she had actually chopped off her tresses herself!
Wanting to experience the pleasure of hearing that sound of 'snip...snip...snip' and seeing the lovely thick hair falling to the ground, today, I finally got my Guinea Pig in the form of my husband. This time round, he had long hair. He had been enjoying that look and it was only getting better as his hair grew longer over the past 2 months when we last clicked a picture but due to the increasing heat, he was getting uncomfortable with them.
Normally by now he would've been on ship and would have shaved off his head as he does every time, but the Covid crisis has kept him home and so as per his plan too, he needed a change.
Completely unaware of my desires, he asked me if I'd be ready to give him a haircut....and Oh Boy! How I jumped at the opportunity!
Setting up a chair for him in the balcony for the perfect view and armed with a pair of scissors, I started my job while the cool morning breeze blew around, making me feel absolutely heavenly! The best part was a ohone call from his friend, which kept him occupied and he couldn't object to anything, while I had my share of fun. Thick wisps of hair fell down as I moved the scissors merrily in his hair. I admired my skills as I styled his hair. After all there was nothing to lose. If at all something went wrong, I could always tell him to shave off his head :-D
Fortunately, as the phone call came to an end, so did my hair cut session. When he went into the room and looked into the mirror approvingly, I was ecstatic!
Maggie had finally cut hair....but this time, not her own!!!
NOTE: Hadn't planned to write about it and so the thought of clicking his picture before the haircut, didn't occur. The cover pic has a 2.5 months old pic (for reference) and 'during the hair cut pic', clicked today.