Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Lock down diaries……..

Today is the 7th of April 2020, day 14th of the 21 days lock down which was imposed with the intention of curbing the spread of the deadly virus that the entire world is battling. Corona Virus, Covid-19, China/Wuhan virus……so many names but the result, just one! Disease, pain, death….this virus has definitely crippled the entire world.

Nobody knows whether after 21 days the lock down would be over or if there would be an extension. If you ask me, I’m so scared of the way this disease is spreading its tentacles everywhere, that I’m not sure whether even after the lock down is over, I’d be mentally prepared to go anywhere soon. Who would have imagined that simple things like a handshake or a hug would start appearing worrisome, or that one would frantically keep sanitizing hands all the time? Bizarre to say the least!!!

People say these are difficult times, I say they are different and difficult:
  •  Difficult, because even in our wildest dreams we would never have thought of a life when the whole world would be battling a disease which can spread like wildfire. It appears to be far worse than World War 2, as even then, some people had wanted a war and that is why it happened, but here, no one wants it yet it is happening and that is the bitter truth.
  •       Different because many of us are exploring that side of ours which remained hidden somewhere as we were so busy in the mundane mechanical lifestyle that we had no time to sit back and reflect. This lock down is bringing out the best and the worst in so many of us.

Some people are picking up their long lost hobbies, which is actually so good as it is giving those people a chance to channelize their energies in a positive way but what is hurting me most at this time is that some people are picking on other people and that, my dear friends is certainly not cool!

We are all independent thinkers and its quite natural that we have our own way of thinking. Each human being is entitled to have her/his own opinion about a certain issue. Two children born to the same set of parents think differently, even a coin has two sides, so why on earth would two people have the same opinion about something. To each his own. A healthy discussion or debate wherein people talk about facts and share their thoughts is something which is always welcome but resorting to foul language and criticizing someone just for the heck of it, well, that is definitely not acceptable!

I know the lock down is having serious implications for many, but then again, it’s totally up to an individual how to take this. Some people are trying to bring positivity in other people’s lives and some are collecting all the negativity and targeting others. This is the time to rise above petty politics because human life is above all this. We need to stand together, in solidarity with those who are trying their best to keep us safe. If small gestures like clapping hands or lighting lamps can bring some hope and positivism and break the depressive monotony of our essential workers then so be it. You don’t have to love your PM to do this, you just need to love humanity.

The lives of so many people are at stake, ours included. Who knows, I’m writing this article today and after a few days, weeks or months this deadly virus might have taken my life as well!
So, let us keep all our political differences aside, stand united and face this threat. Let us spread love, peace, positivity and hope.

In this moment, we all should be JUST humans bound by a single thread – HUMANITY.

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