Am I the only daughter in the world who doesn’t love her mother?
No really! I actually started questioning my love for my mom after browsing through all social media posts on Mother’s Day. Is it an anomaly that I didn’t take to posting a long appreciative post for her when the entire screen was spilling with photos of everyone’s mothers? Honestly, I started feeling a little weird and self-conscious about the fact that though I’m a woman of so many words, yet I did not pen even a single word on the grand occasion, or say- festival of ‘Mother’s Day!’
I’m telling you; these ‘special days’ are somehow pernicious. Even though you have no less emotions for your loved ones, yet the marketing world derides you with pompous display of gifts, holidays etc. and one is left reeling under the shock of being left out!
Anyways, I am not the one to succumb to this charade wherein these special days have been doled out to benefit the marketing world. While I am not against people expressing their love for their mommies on Mother’s Day, I also believe that parents are so special that one can never limit to thanking them to one single day.
It is piquant to see how people who do not call their mothers for several days and mistreat them on the few occasions they meet, go on hollering about their love for those same mothers on social media platforms. It certainly makes me gag!
I reiterate, that I cannot undermine the emotions of all those who do celebrate this day with great gusto but for those who do not, just remember you are a no lesser child to your mother. She will love you even if you do not make any florid confessions of love in words. Nevertheless, your actions must always tell her that she means the world to you.
Blessed are those who have parents in their lives. Value them, treasure them, talk to them and listen to them. Do not limit it to just one day. It is the insalubrious attempt of marketing which fills children with compunction if they do not wish ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ to their mothers. Love is meant to be celebrated each day. Mothers must be made to feel special each day. A simple ‘I love you Maa’ and a light peck on the cheek everyday can-do wonders. Believe me!
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